1. On the AHRS device: So, I will buy this...but is this something I can easily install MYSELF or do I need to find a person skilled in electronics or computers?
Does it just "press in" or is there some other way to affix it within the system? Are there clear directions?
I am wondering HOW MUCH BETTER the S.V. will be with the AHRS as it is pretty good right now.

2. As to flying in IMC with this...not to worry, Johnny. I realize that at my age and what is behind me after flying privately and professionally since 1976, my LUCK BAG is now EMPTY but my JUDGMENT BAG is now FULL. There is absolutely no reason for me to fly below terrain in valleys at night or in IMC anymore - did that in the Air Force when I had to - flying is just for fun now, so I stick to severe VMC, and most of that is in daytime CAVU!
Still, your advice is wise and should be heeded by all. This device ENHANCES SA, but should never be used as the PRIMARY means of navigation in terrain. Thanks!