Hi iFly Team - I am always confused when I update my charts and data bases on my iFly 700. When I go to your web site and go to the update page, under 'Aviation Databases' it says"New Database Available as of: 12/31/1600". I look at my iFly 700 GPS and it tells me 'Aviation Databases: Exp: 01-14-2018. OK, I assume that the year 1600 is really 2016. But I want to know if i need to update my Aviation Database. It turns out that, yes, there is a new Aviation DB which expires 03-29-2018. However, I would never know that I need to make an update by just reading 'New Database Available as of Any Date'. The charts date labels are clearer but I would like to see a starting date and an ending date for each database and each chart. Thank you for any consideration towards this request. Jim Williams