STEP 1: Insert a USB Flash Drive into your computer
STEP 2: Check all your desired updates, then click "Create Update Package"
(Mac Users: If using Safari, please confirm the following before proceeding. Go to Safari Preferences and under the General Tab, please confirm the Open "Safe" Downloads box is unchecked.)
STEP 3: When Update Package is complete, click the download link. Save the file to your USB Flash Drive. Do not rename the file, it should be called ""
STEP 4: When the download is complete, eject the flash drive from your computer* and insert it into your iFly GPS with the power off.
*Use the proper procedure for your operating system to "Eject" the flash drive.
STEP 5: Boot up your iFly GPS and run the Update app, follow on-screen directions.
NOTE: If your iFly GPS does not recognize your USB Drive or Update, leave the USB drive in and try rebooting (Unplug/Plug-In) the iFly. Also, an update file cannot exceed 2gb in size. If you are attempting to update all files for the entire country, you should create multiple update packages: One for all the Plates, another for all the IFR Enroute Charts, etc.
Update-by-Mail Program: Having trouble updating, CLICK HERE to purchase and download the Update-by-Mail Form.