Just to help teach myself (the hard way) I found one of my old "corrupted cards" from not shutting down the STRATUX properly for about a month (card was full and not working) and decided to experiment on THAT rather than my current working card - in this way, I risked not screwing up my working STRATUX as I am flying on a business trip on Friday and did not want to lose what I have which is working...
For you guys MUCH more experienced and confident in your computer skills, this probably sounds stupid, but not to me...
So, I tried it all and I astonished myself by re-imaging the corrupted card by downloading a program called ETCHING (I think) and then going to the STRATUX page and getting the latest download....hooked it all up and started pressing buttons...
Well, they say even a broken clock is right twice a day and today must have been my lucky day because....IT IS ALL WORKING RIGHT NOW!
Yep, the old chip that did not work before seems to be working just fine after a RE-IMAGE. Your advice to recalibrate and then use the "pointing forward" to get the right port and starboard images to show on the attitude indicator worked terrific. The pitch and roll axis are now working great. I am just not sure about the YAW axis as I was not really going anywhere in my living room! We will fly it and see...
So, if I could do this, I think anyone else can because I was really doing things on a computer with tiny chips I have never done before.
THANK YOU for your help and patience John! No way I could have done this without your online assistance to me!