Mike, one thing I forgot to mention, I use my Windows computer to download the latest Stratux software file and to update my Stratux. After downloading the file, disconnect your computer WIFI from your home router and connect to your Stratux. Use your browser (I use Chrome) and go to where you will see the Stratux program Menu. After you update the file, you will also calibrate your Stratux by placing it on a flat surface and pushing a button. You will also point one end of the Stratux toward the sky and push a button, so the Stratux knows which end you will point toward the nose of your airplane.
This is all very simple and should not be a problem.
While playing with the Stratux at home and testing with iFly, if you raise and lower one end or one side of your Stratux, you will see the EFIS show a climb, descent, and turn. Your altitude will show the actual MSL altitude of where ever you are located if you put the pressure altitude instrument on your iFly display.