I'll throw in my 2 cents (or is it $1,400.00) worth? I have the Clarity SV (AHRS and synthetic vision capable) ADS-B /NexGen weather system. Here's the up to date results. Weather - excellent reporting and very helpful when flying in the soup! Traffic Reporting - In central Ohio not so much help (unless you are flying at flight level 180 and up!).
Due to the extremely small package size of the Clarity system, heat dissipation is critical. Initially, I had thermal shutdown related problems when the unit was set on my glare shield but when moved to the pilot side window using the window mount the shutdown issue was eliminated. Battery life is outstanding (flew 4.5 hours with no issues). When the AHRS is talking to the iFly it is really helpful.
There is another situation with the wifi connection on the iFly (I have been told this happens across most if not all of the ADS-B systems) From my conversations with Shane, AP is working with the tablet manufacturer to eliminate these wifi connection conflicts. Once this is rectified the combination iFly 720/ClaritySV will be fantastic!
So far i am not completely happy with the combination but will hang in there until AP resolves the issues (and I am very confident they will in short order)
Hope this helps.....