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New Post
7/31/2021 7:12 AM

This is what I was also thinking....

On the other side of the spectrum since I have recently installed the AV-30

and their announcement is not a mystery...       https://www.kitplanes.com/uavionix-av-30-and-av-link-update/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=KITPLANES+from+AirVenture&utm_campaign=OSH+21+%235

New Post
8/1/2021 6:57 AM

Why am I nervous that Brolin is talking about Levils new WIFI autopilot rather than an NMEA solution to connect to existing autopilots. Brolin please tell me I'm wrong (I hope I am).

New Post
8/1/2021 7:13 AM

Me too!!! I cannot see anyone installing it on anything but a drone or UAV. It actually looks like it belongs on a R/C model.

New Post
8/1/2021 8:34 AM

TruTrack introduced the same method of control surface autopilot control back in 2015 as an economy model.  It was demoed in their RV-10.  I don't think it was widely accepted....





C177RG: iFly 720, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out. RV-3: 8" Samsung Tab A, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out.
New Post
8/1/2021 8:56 AM

I remember looking at it back then and talking with them and then all of a sudden

it disapeared from their site. More than not accepted it never came out.......

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