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New Post
8/1/2021 9:57 AM

When may we expect to be able to transition over to EFB???

John M

New Post
8/1/2021 2:51 PM



Tried to re-subscribe to get the extra 3 months, but can't seem to activate this function. The cart shows it, ut no means to activate the sale. That was on my phone where it promises 3 extra months.

Tried it on my Windows laptop and could get to the cart, ut is says nothing abot the 3 extra months.

On both devices when I hit secure checkout it jst comes up with a blank screen with FLYGPS logo at the top.

Need timely assistance before off runs out.

John Miller


New Post
8/2/2021 6:33 AM
John Miller wrote:

Need timely assistance before off runs out.

John Miller

One option is to call the customer service number and complete the transaction by phone.  (Assuming they didn't take the whole staff to OSH!)

New Post
8/2/2021 8:30 AM

Tried to phone IFLY but no one is home. They took a message, but it looks like I missed out on the 3 months bonus.

Must have been a dissappointing experience for IFLY also ot having anything specific  to announce.

Of course, I was hoping to be able to get vocal targets that I have been harping on for 2 years. So I'll have to keep my ForeFlight subscription till IFLY gets it done.

Foreflight is much more expensive and not as user friendly..BUT...they have had vocal targets for a long time.

John M 

New Post
8/2/2021 9:01 AM


Read my recent post  Renewal  , I had also a situation with my renewal.

Send an e-mail to info@adventurepilot.com and explain your situation and I'm pretty sure 

that they will correct the situation....


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