Synthetic Vision Requirements for IFLY

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Synthetic Vision Requirements for IFLYSynthetic Vision Requirements for IFLY
New Post
3/20/2018 10:48 AM
John Miller wrote:

How did this civil discussion deteriorate so quickly?

I was wondering the same thing. I was simply stating my position that I would not rely on iFly AHRS without an AHRS module and people started attributing things to me that I did not say. Why can't people simply say, "I disagree and here's why"? Instead, they choose to throw up a couple of "straw dogs."
New Post
3/20/2018 1:51 PM
JohnnyBlackCT wrote:
Hook wrote:

Regarding AHRS or no-AHRS: Walter has already stated (and the OP has proved) that AHRS is not required for iFly to simulate roll (& pitch?) while in EFIS map mode (synth vision).  Without AHRS though the angles portrayed may not reflect reality.


Try using that in actual IFR conditions.



Well, in the olden days, I used to practice partial panel under the hood with the Garmin GPSMap 296's HSI page. Pretty flat stuff, but the first time I did it, my safety pilot couldn't figure out why I had so little trouble.In actual, I would have not had any hesitation using it as a way of getting out of trouble in vacuum failure emergency. Done the same on an EFB with and without AHRS. Didn't really notice a substantial difference in my aircraft control.


You are getting so much more than that with synth vision with a flat panel, with no temptation to rely on the accuracy of a portable AHRS which can fairly easily become decalibrated if not secured just right, particularly if you are using a Stratux which, if I've understood the posts on the subject correctly,  requires calibration through its own app.

BTW, I do have AHRS; I'm just not as enamoured of it as some others.I actually bough the chip for y Stratux for the fan controller  cool


New Post
3/20/2018 2:00 PM
The iFly app now has calibration for both the Stratux and the iFly app.
New Post
3/20/2018 10:39 PM


New Post
3/21/2018 7:20 AM
JohnnyBlackCT wrote:
The iFly app now has calibration for both the Stratux and the iFly app.

Interesting. So it directly accesses the Stratux system? Or just tells iFly that whatever Stratux shows right now is straight and level? I asked that question - whether the calibration feature in an EFB is sufficient - in a Stratux group and the generally agreed answer was no.

Sounds like something to experiment with. Calibrate Stratux in Stratux. Do the same in the EFB to align. Then move the Stratux to a different position to "misalign" it. Recalibrate in the EFB and check the Stratux app to see if it changed there as well.

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