Oliver; I keep an aircraft time log in my Arrow and record dates, Hobbs time and Tach time for every flight. I also note if oil was added to keep track of consumption. When I an finished with recording a flight I take a picture with my phone and enter it into my log book when I have time.
If you want I can send the spreadsheet I print out to put in the aircraft log.
As for wish list items I have been wanting to create a fuel tracking log. I have a JPI 700 EDM and it does a great job of tracking fuel used and fuel remaining but it doesn't do so by tank. I used a fuel card I put together and write down how much fuel I used and subtrac from the tank I was on and from the total, then do the same for the next tank.. Would be great to have a place to put fuel used and which tank and have the iFly keep a running total of fuel remaining in each tank and total.
Thats my story and I'm stikking to it.