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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AWill XGPS 170 ever be compatible witt Fly 720?Will XGPS 170 ever be compatible witt Fly 720?
New Post
4/4/2014 1:18 PM
Currently AdventurePilot sent all of us discount offer on:

"$50 Off XGPS 170"
ADS-B + GPS for Tablets
for $499."

# The XGPS description says
"XGPS160 is not currently compatible with the iFly 720 or 520 Dedicated Devices."

Does that mean if I wait long enough it WILL be made compatible with the 720?

Given it's low price and compactness it would be a nice option to have for the 720

Apologies if this seems like a little bit of a duplication of an earlier post of mine under a different topic.
The question above WAS in the earlier post but got lost in discussion of other questions in the earlier post.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AWill XGPS 170 ever be compatible witt Fly 720?Will XGPS 170 ever be compatible witt Fly 720?