Walter: I actually did mean TFRs. When I flew the other day I deliberately had not performed a preflight weather/TFR update for many days prior to flying just to see at what altitude I would see the ADSB Live Weather activate. As it turned out, I did receive METARS and Winds but never received TAFs. Then after I landed as I was panning around a zoomed-out screen, I saw several TFRs displayed in then east. I panned over and zoomed in and checked them out. So now I guess what was happening was that these were PERMANENT TFR's (Washington, DC) and must have been left-over from previous pre-flight downloads. In other words, they never expire, that's why I saw them, but mistakenly I thought they just came in via ADS-B.
Another source of confusuion for me is that SkyGuard advertises: "View NEXRAD Radar, METARs, TFRs, Sigmets, Airmets, Winds Aloft, TAFs, NOTAMs, and UAT/ES Traffic on a compatible display." Also: The FAA's current notification reads:
"The following FIS-B weather products are for advisory use only.
o Aviation Routine Weather Reports (METARs).
o Special Aviation Reports (SPECIs).
o Terminal Area Forecasts (TAFs) and their amendments.
o NEXRAD (regional and CONUS) precipitation maps.
o Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Distant and Flight Data Center.
o Airmen’s Meteorological Conditions (AIRMET).
o Significant Meteorological Conditions (SIGMET) and Convective SIGMET.
o Status of Special Use Airspace (SUA).
o Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs).
o Winds and Temperatures Aloft.
o Pilot Reports (PIREPS).
o TIS-B service status.
So then, even though ADS-B and the SkyGuardTWX support TFRs, I take it that the iFly display "is not quite there yet." So now I realize that even though we have ADS-B IN or OUT on board, we should always get a pre-fight weather update in order to have the current TFRs on board. Thanks, Walter. ===Ralph