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New Post
8/31/2016 8:27 PM

What do the outer circle colors mean on the map around the airport metar circles

There are red circles with blue around them and green with blue around. There are also blue with green circles around them


Found the answer here

New Post
8/31/2016 11:02 PM

The inner circles are metars and the outer circles are TAF's.

New Post
9/1/2016 6:46 PM

The inner circle is the most recently reported METAR, color-coded as LIFR, IFR, MVFR, or VFR. If there is a TAF for the airport, it is the larger circle and is color-coded for the current time. For example, in your screenshot above the time is 21:24. You can see at a glance which airports are matching the current forecast, which are better than the forecast, and which are worse than the forecast. Spotting a trend can help you make a decision to continue/turn around/delay departure. Good luck with this week's storms.

Jeff Nokomis Clark, Mooney M20G, iFly app on ASUS ZenPad Z8s, ASUS ZenFone AR, ASUS Windows 10 tablet, Stratux ADS-B w AHRS
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