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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Stratux Heat QuestionStratux Heat Question
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8/27/2016 3:29 PM
Hey all; Using my Stratux with an IFly 740. I am powering both units from their original 12 power adapters using the 2.4 A USB port for the Stratux. Question: The antenna lead at the point at which it connects to the Nano2 gets HOT. Is anyone else having the same experience? The connector gets hot enough that when you touch it you know that you grabbed onto something that maybe you shouldn't have. The heat dissipates as it goes up the wire, but, it is getting hot enough to make the shrink tube pliable. I haven't used the Stratux for a very long period of time as I am afraid that the heat may cause larger issues. Thanks in advance and any input is much appreciated. Todd
New Post
8/27/2016 5:40 PM
Evidently, that's normal. I just built a new one that is totally enclosed in a case with a fan, so it's not something I can accidentally touch. Mine doesn't have any shrink material around it.
New Post
9/4/2016 1:19 PM

Mine actually fried itself right at the USB power connection. I'm on my second computer board and cable, hoping it doesn't happen again.

New Post
9/5/2016 10:58 AM

I had the Stratux and found that it got very hot. Then I gave it to a friend when I bought my Navworx ADS-B unit.

We just got back from flying to OSH from SoCal and several times his Stratus would overheat and shut down and he'd have to move it to the air vent to cool it down. Smetimes the same thing happens to my

We will install a small computer fan on it with some more extra vent holes in the plastic case.

It's a really good unit...when it is working.

Using it showed me the benefits of having ADS-B in/out on board so I bought the Navworx unit. It has already saved me from 2 potential midairs.

I had survived one midair and didn't want that experience again.

New Post
9/5/2016 6:35 PM
My new Stratux doesn't get too hot because it's in the larger case with a fan. Perhaps my older one does not get hot because I'm powering the radios and WIFI from a powered hub. The antennas are also remotely mounted so I can keep the Stratux out of the sun.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Stratux Heat QuestionStratux Heat Question