desert flyer wrote:
Mike, I wonder how they ever got the permits to put those islands into the river. We spent years trying to get a permit to put in a 20' long dock.
Dick Welsh
Great question, Dick.
I am sure the PA Environmental Folks had a lot to say about it and are watching it they built multiple peninsulars as they crept from west to east across the river...and then took them down after the spans had me, that was the most amazing part, because we get a lot of powerful ice flows, logs, and other strong tides flowing south....some amazing planning.
I am attaching THREE MORE photos from the year 2018, two years ago around this time, to illustrate the "creeping penisula" across the river....used as a lay down area and base for the bridge. This is from WEST to, the bridge is all the way across and the island below is on the EAST side of the river....
Additionally, that water eventually goes into the Cheasapeake, and the Cheasapeake Commission is always bringing lawsuites agaist PA for this or that....never ends, even when vast improvements have been made over the last 20 years.
Permits near water are now incredibly complicated just about everywhere. My folks had a waterfront place with a 200 foot deck to a dock that would lift a boat out of the water for storage...I cannot tell you how many permits and inspections he had (in Florida) and that was 20+ years ago - probably impossible now!
Best wishes with your deck...
Mike N714AJ