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New Post
7/9/2018 4:32 PM


I spoke with the author of the post that indicated broadcasts began May 9, and he told me that was written in anticipation of that broadcast start date, even though the publication date was a week or so after May 9.  Turns out, the FAA missed that broadcast start date, and has also missed the June broadcast start date as well.  So much for everything on the Internet being true!

The author is also a member of the RTCA working group responsible for defining the content of the ADSB-In stream (SC-206 SG5).  I asked him where I could get the details of how the new product data will be included in the stream, and he suggested RTCA MOPS DO-358A and B.  I looked in their online store, though, and I only see DO-358 (with a pub date of 3/24/2015), so I struck out there, too.

New Post
7/10/2018 10:53 AM

An RTCA rep confirmed via email that MOPS DO-358 is under revision and won't be published until "late this year".  What a crazy, mixed-up mess....

New Post
10/4/2018 2:43 PM

Foreflight just released two days ago the cloud top/icing/turbulence/etc... update to show these items on their systems, is there any date yet of availablity of when we may see it with IFly GPS app?



New Post
10/4/2018 3:34 PM

We're working on it for version 10.4, which will be out well before the new data goes live. The FAA pushed back the rollout to Spring of 2019, so there's only a few testing towers pushing out the new data right now. 

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