How to use Synth Vis now that we have it

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...How to use Synth Vis now that we have itHow to use Synth Vis now that we have it
New Post
4/6/2018 8:42 AM


I finally see what you referred to on changing instruments on the EFIS screen. It's the same as on the nav screen.



New Post
4/6/2018 10:03 AM

John -

You are correct. The instruments can be moved, resized and displayed on either the Nav or EFIS screen. You can also create and save numerous Instrument Layout templates, adding more or less instruments per template depending on how much Nav/EFIS screen you want to see. I have created several templates, starting with one layout then adding layers of instruments, storing each layer under a different name. The result is starting with a basic EFIS/NAV screen with no instruments and saving (EFIS/NAV), adding airspeed/altitude/compass instruments and saving under a different name (EFIS/NAV 1), then adding waypoint/final destination instruments and saving (EFIS/NAV 2), etc. I've also created templates using the same instruments but changing them to display as Large, using the same pattern described (EFIS/NAV Large, EFIS/NAV Large 1, etc.) You can also create templates displaying only the Nav full-screen, with instruments added.

I was hoping the upcoming iFly tutorial video would demonstrate this, as well as giving in-depth explanations on each instrument's function.

Walter has stated that Brian is working on developing the EFIS for full-screen display on the 740 hardware. When that happens, I can see a need for having 2 iFly 740's in the cockpit, 1 for displaying the Sectional full-screen and another for displaying EFIS full-screen. You could then have Instrument Layouts that were specific for each display (Waypoint/Bearing info on the Sectional, Airspeed/Altitude/Compass info on the EFIS, etc). By having all your custom templates stored in each 740, you could build a totally redundant system.




New Post
4/7/2018 8:53 AM


I got rid of the altitude, rate of climb and speed tapes on the EFIS screen since I have all of that on my Dynon D10.

The D10 also provides artificial horizon so I won't be installing an AHRS to work with IFLY.

The main reason I wanted Synth Vis was that in case of an engine failure over an undercast I can "see" my way down through the clouds safely.

I don't have the instrument rating, but in my early days going for my commercial ticket, I logged 38 hours of instrument training and 10 hours in a simulator so I feel confident in making it down through an undercast.


John M


New Post
4/7/2018 11:40 AM

John -

I have a D100 but still use the iFly's altitude, airspeed & vertical speed instruments as backup.

I agree that synthetic vision is a very valuable and useful tool iFly has added. I know a pilot who told me he landed his America Legend Cub using nothing but synthetic vision. Living in Colorado, you can imagine how useful and reassuring this is for me!


HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...How to use Synth Vis now that we have itHow to use Synth Vis now that we have it