Synthetic Vision Requirements for IFLY

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Synthetic Vision Requirements for IFLYSynthetic Vision Requirements for IFLY
New Post
3/19/2018 8:43 PM
I am an instrument rated pilot. I would not trust my life to a simulated AHRS instrument using satellite data to simulate pitch and bank in actual instrument conditions. That should not happen, but vacuum pumps and artificial horizon instruments are not foolproof. I prefer to feed the iFly AHRS with an ADS-B AHRS module. Even for a VFR pilot, I think it would be ill advised to use the AHRS without actual AHRS information if you blunder into clouds.
New Post
3/19/2018 9:25 PM

Certainly, it's a good idea to install AHRS.  Not disagreeing with that.  I have it in both my fixed wings (as you'll note in my tagline).

I don't agree with your logic that it would be smarter to keep flying into IMC rather than make an attempt to turn around if you don't have AHRS.

Reply if you want, but I'm done.  The original question was posed, and answered (multiple times), and now this is going off on a tangent.

Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
New Post
3/19/2018 10:12 PM
JohnnyBlackCT wrote:
I am an instrument rated pilot. I would not trust my life to a simulated AHRS instrument using satellite data to simulate pitch and bank in actual instrument conditions. That should not happen, but vacuum pumps and artificial horizon instruments are not foolproof. I prefer to feed the iFly AHRS with an ADS-B AHRS module. Even for a VFR pilot, I think it would be ill advised to use the AHRS without actual AHRS information if you blunder into clouds.

What you're saying is that you would rely on AHRS info fed from a stratux "toy", fed into a non-certified gps for ifr flight. I hope you think twice before doing that. 

New Post
3/20/2018 8:20 AM
If you can’t support your position, just make up some bogus crap.
New Post
3/20/2018 9:32 AM

How did this civil discussion deteriorate so quickly?

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