Synthetic Vision Requirements for IFLY

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Synthetic Vision Requirements for IFLYSynthetic Vision Requirements for IFLY
New Post
3/18/2018 9:51 PM

If you need to update the Stratux program, they are here. Just grab the latest one.

New Post
3/19/2018 10:35 AM

Regarding AHRS or no-AHRS: Walter has already stated (and the OP has proved) that AHRS is not required for iFly to simulate roll (& pitch?) while in EFIS map mode (synth vision).  Without AHRS though the angles portrayed may not reflect reality.

Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
New Post
3/19/2018 5:57 PM
Hook wrote:

Regarding AHRS or no-AHRS: Walter has already stated (and the OP has proved) that AHRS is not required for iFly to simulate roll (& pitch?) while in EFIS map mode (synth vision).  Without AHRS though the angles portrayed may not reflect reality.


Try using that in actual IFR conditions.
New Post
3/19/2018 7:17 PM
JohnnyBlackCT wrote:
Hook wrote:

Regarding AHRS or no-AHRS: Walter has already stated (and the OP has proved) that AHRS is not required for iFly to simulate roll (& pitch?) while in EFIS map mode (synth vision).  Without AHRS though the angles portrayed may not reflect reality.


Try using that in actual IFR conditions.

I certainly wouldn't be doing steep turns or accelerated pitch changes in ifr. Plus you should be using certified instruments while ifr. 

New Post
3/19/2018 8:01 PM

JohnnyBlackCT wrote: Try using that in actual IFR conditions.

Isn't that in line with what I wrote about not reflecting reality if not using AHRS? 

I wasn't promoting the feature, I was just answering the question about what was required for synthetic vision.  AHRS is not required.

And I do agree with Greg. 

All that being said... (here's me promoting the feature): if you're a VFR pilot in accidental IMC and need to get out of it, doing a gradual 180 (obstacles permitting) using synth vision may be a lifesaver.  Even if you don't have AHRS (or certified instruments).  In fact, I think that it's probably critical in that instance that iFly banks the synthetic vision though there's no AHRS present.  Otherwise it might be very disorienting.

Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
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