Well, we see "lockdown" coming, so we went out and flew on one of the nicer days lately - found a very RARE NEW RUNWAY in America!
0W3 just built a NEW RUNWAY and it is beautiful! Harford County, MD.
It is near Baltimore and Aberdeen, MD. It is just outside the ADBS veil of doom for BWI and just above the Army Airfield Class D. Lots of flying going on there now!
Good to see something positive in aviation! A NEW RUNWAY! It replaced a turf runway at the same location...
Mike N714AJ
3-Ship flying down the Susquhanna River in PA to MD.

Approaching 0W3, we see a lot of traffic on the FISH FINDER...watch out!

WOW! Lookee here at that NEW runway - you don't see THAT everyday! BTW, there is a GOOD ice cream place 1/2 mile to the east (walk).
Harford County Airport in MARYLAND.

That is nice! On final, runway 19...

Short Final at 55 knots.

The other runway is 29-10, at 2000 feet long. 19-01 is 2,800 and change...

It did get a little busy with FIVE planes in the pattern, and then a helicopter guy just kinda' meandered over to see what was going in in the middle of the pattern -- did not land, just wanted to see what was happening at pattern altitude...caused a bit of a stir, but SEE + AVOID worked.

So, no one could figure out what Helicopter Guy was doing in the middle of the pattern -- created a "bomb-burst effect" which I know every GA pilot just loves in the pattern! Especially when it is close to a ADSB veil and not everyone is equipped, and near a military Class D tower. Yup, they are out there!

On the way to YORK, PA, we had a Trauma-Hawk want to fly through our 3-ship formation...no matter how we turned, he kept coming. Some use ADSB to go check out other planes, welcomed or not....they are out there.

Landing at YORK we had the ONE person flying that day take off and turn into our formation -- no big deal, see and avoid, again!

Landing YORK Airport...we WERE going to get fuel, but they were out of COFEE, so we pressed on!

Three of our local TURF FIELDS were all closed due to recent rain....kept going.

Good day to be OUT FLYING, and we kept SOCIAL DISTANCING to 1/8th of a mile in the air, and 1/8th of an ince on the FISH FINDER.

HOME DROME...N94 Carlisle.

Keeping our distance....this too shall pass!