Greetings John,
Yes, I go to Jimmy Stewart Airport all the time, now. My oldest child, Molly, attends Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is going to the Nursing School there.
So, I can fly there in an hour, check out the airport courtesy car, and see her for lunch, etc. Typically I can do this in half a day, where if I drove, it is 3 hours by car EACH WAY through and over mountains with tolls.
Molly misses her small dog, so I sometimes take him there to Indian for them to play. He likes going on car rides and flying, so this works out well for everyone.
John, not sure of the last time you visited KIDI, but there is a brand new runway there now, nice FBO terminal, spacious planning area, and big, clean bathrooms. And again, they have a good courtesy car. All in all, a great GA airport! It is a friendly little city - we've only had good experiences there thus far.
You are from a truly nice town, but you probably already knew that! (here are a few photos - I made them as small as possible to not take up room on this site)
Getting ready to go!

Mickey the Pomeranian

Getting a good view from 3,500'

Final to KIDI, Jimmy Stewart, Indiana, PA


Nice new FBO.

We are here!

In the dorms at IUP.

Out to eat on one of the places with outdoor dining.

Molly's dog is so happy to visit with her!

Time to go!

A look at Indiana from 2,500.

Flying back over the mountains and hills to Carlisle, PA -- about an hour's flight.