While I love that availbility of a solid EFBs like iFly GPS on Android, it seems to me that it still lags compared to EFBs of smaller companies like FlyQ. I absolutely hate Apple and their ecosystem, but somedays I am tempted to buy an iPad/used iPhone so I can get the additional features that the other EFBs seem to have or update quickly. My wish list:
-Higher resolution Geo-Referenced Charts/Document Legends
-Better weather breifings/analysis/outlook. I mean look at Foreflight/FlyQ for comparison
-PIREPS - Pretty much everyone else has this
-MAP Layers - ability to turn on google map type layering
-All in one location documents for various FAA pubs, etc.. - I have FltPlnGo for my documentation right now. Other EFBs have this integrated
-Export Flight plans to non iFly Users
-Weight and Balance Calculator
-Navlog - with export features
Adding more to the list.
-Multi-tasking support - allow the app to run in the background when you exit it