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New Post
11/24/2020 4:36 PM

I currently add a new custom point and put it in a group I call "favorite airports" and put my comments in.  However the comments dont allow carriage returns so they are hard to read or format.  So how about a favorite airports option with nicely formatted text

ie: K123

  • 24 Hour access
  • Overnight courtesy car
  • bunk beds
  • free ice cream

Then when I plan my routes, I might even divert a ways to land at a preferred airport.  This could even be added into route planner (although honestly I dont use this feature)

I don't get what my signature is supposed to mean, I'm not famous, I'm not a star and we certainly aren't married.
New Post
11/25/2020 4:20 PM

I've brought this up in a few meetings, great minds think alike!

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