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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&ATurn off the airplane icon?Turn off the airplane icon?
New Post
9/2/2015 6:21 PM

I'm not asking for a new feature, so I'm not starting a new thread here. I am just building on the "no flashing X because of vertigo" comment and brain storming about "soft redraws" in Track Up mode.

Personally, I don't use Track Up mode, primarily because I can't read a VFR or IFR chart when I'm southbound. But secondarily, I fat fingered my way to Track Up one night and the way the screen constantly flashes when it redraws was driving me nuts. It seems to update as fast as the VAST path predictor does.

From the days when my airplane partner was designing FMC's for the 747, I know that real pilots in air transports use Track Up - albeit with a Vector Map mode. They also had really good nav tracking autopilots. So the vector map didn't rotate much.

I'm mostly curious about whether those of you who use Track Up get a similar vertigo feeling from the map constantly moving when hand flying? (Especially at night, where it's more pronounced. It's like lightning in the cockpit.) And if "yes," if anything can be done to mitigate it? Slower refresh rate? Some way to "soften" the redraws so that they don't flash, don't jerk? (Previous map dissolves into next?)

Like I said, not an issue for me, since I'm not a real pilot and use North Up. Just brainstorming on the forum.

New Post
9/2/2015 6:26 PM

I only use north up, but I think instead of having track up, make it destination up. Of course, that depends on having a destination.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&ATurn off the airplane icon?Turn off the airplane icon?