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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AWhere are the VST settings?Where are the VST settings?
New Post
12/2/2013 12:58 PM

Where did the option for changing the default of 350 FPM for the VST instrument go? (ver 7.6.22) The only options found under Alerts and Warnings / Vertical Speed to Target Settings are:

Alert Mode (show message or not)
Set the pattern altitude distance from airport, from 1 NM to 10 NM

Missing are the VST options (that are shown in the manual) for when the instrument pops up:

"Show the VST instrument all the time or have it appear when climb exceeds a setting from 50 to 1000 fpm"
"Show the VST instrument all the time or have it appear when decent exceeds a setting from 50 to 1000 fpm"

The only setting I am wanting to adjust is when the instrument appears when the decent rate exceeds a setting.


C177RG: iFly 720, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out. RV-3: 8" Samsung Tab A, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out.
New Post
12/2/2013 3:06 PM

Hey Ed,

What I am looking to adjust is when the VST instrument pops up on the screen; according to the manual, it should be adjustable. The adjustment in aircraft profile is the actual target VST that I am shooting for and mine is set for 500 FPM. Currently my VST instrument pops up when the rate of decent to target is 350 FPM, and I would like to have it pop up around 200 FPM.



C177RG: iFly 720, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out. RV-3: 8" Samsung Tab A, Stratux 978/1090 ADS-B in, AHRS, BMP, Stratus ESG ADS-B out.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AWhere are the VST settings?Where are the VST settings?