RONSIM wrote:OK -- using IFly connect ---- for the SD card --- the update menu I get does not include an option to select the photos --- just the usual plates and charts ---- tried a couple of times.
What am I doing wrong?
Ron: There is a new version of iFly Connect which you should be prompted to download and install. This new version is needed to see the Airport Photo selections. With this latest iFly Connect running on your PC, here are the steps I use.
1. FIRST, using iFly Connect download only the software update, version 7.6.xx, to your SD card.
2. Close out the iFly Connect application on your PC - in fact, I even eject the SD card from the PC then re-insert it again in the PC.
3. THEN launch iFly Connect again. Now when it seesYou should see among the list of options to choose, the Airport Photos. It is really pretty simple once you do it. ==== Ralph