Also, to get the images when updating, this should help. If you are using the Wi-Fi, you will need to update the Software and other items, as you won't seem the Airport Photos. Then run a second update and you'll see the photos, make sure they are checked.
For the initial 7.6.5 update, I recommend iFly Connect on your PC, it should allow you to update all in one shot, you will need to make sure the Airport Photos are selected for the states you want. If you want them all, just tap the deselect/all, the select/all, scroll to the bottom and ensure the Photos are checked.
Also, iFl Connect will take a fraction of the time to update than using the Wi-Fi, as your larger PC can chew on the data faster than the iFly. I hope this helps. SnF has been great, looking forward to getting back to the office.