Getting ready to fly tonight, and just updated charts and weather. Powered up my iFly 700, loaded all updates, and input my flight plan. Even thought I'd already gotten a weather brief, I went and looked at the Wx info for my home drome just to make sure it jibed.
First oddity was that there was no TAF for the field, when there always is.
Second oddity was that the METARs were time-stamped "--1497500 mins" ago.
Went to the Menu>About>GPS Information page, and 8 sats are in view with an Excellent position accuracy.
Exited to the system menu, and the green time/date in the lower right corner is reading "2009/02/14 SAT 06:36 PM".
Did a GPS reset thinking that might cause the time to reset, but it didn't. Also tried a power cycle, but no joy.
This is the first time I've had (or at least noticed) this problem. What gives??