While we're talking iPad, it has come to the attention of WingX and Foreflight that the new Apple iOS 5 will start deleting charts, diagrams and other data without provocation. Part of the iOS 5 is a feature that automatically frees up space by "cleaning" (ni deleting) large chunks of data to make room for new things. The user cannot control this and the only indication it's happening is a little message that flashing up on the screen that says, "Cleaning". The current solution presented by Foreflight for the new iOS5 upgraded Apple devices is to ask their customers leave lots of extra space in the iPad's memory (i.e. remove items rarely used) and turn off 3G and wifi. Really? Are you kidding me?
At least with a stand-alone solution like iFly we don't have to worry about some internal HAL 9000 deciding to delete charts in mid-flight. Walter and the boys in McKinney control everything without having to relinquish any application decision making to a non-aviation higher consumer-product authority in Silicon Valley.