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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AErratic ADSB Traffic DepictionErratic ADSB Traffic Depiction
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5/20/2016 7:25 AM

I've got the iFly 740 with the NavWorx ADS600-EXP. I frequently fly in a flight of two with my friend who has ADSB-in only. Normally, my traffic depiction is very good except for one thing - when flying in close proximity as a flight of two ( ? couple of thousand feet or less horizontal separation), I'm not seeing him depicted as traffic but seem to see all the other traffic around us just fine! We're usually in an "ADSB rich" environment with good reception. Yesterday, I did get one traffic advisory for his position (and only one), but his plane's icon was not depicted on the screen.

I've tried various ranges, turning the "ghost filter" on-and-off, etc. What do you think is going on? Is the NavWorx or the 740 suppressing the traffic depiction because of such close proximity to my plane (hope not - the closest one is the one you need to know about!)? Ironically, he can usually see me depicted on his MGL Discovery Lite display with Dual portable ADSB receiver. I know his transponder is OK as Approach had no problem with it when we transited a Class C airspace and verified his altitude squawk.



New Post
7/2/2016 6:11 AM

After discussing this with Shane and checking ADSB ground station locations, I found that the ADSB reception from ground stations was not as good as I thought in that area where I frequently fly in a flight-of-two! I also think my friend's plane is having some transponder issues.

Since then, I've had no problems and reliable traffic depiction. I flew in close proximity to another plane and had no problems with "seeing" him as traffic on the 740/NavWorx.



HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AErratic ADSB Traffic DepictionErratic ADSB Traffic Depiction