Keep in mind the NavWorx is currently only a 978 out and 978 In. The Certified models do not currently support the 1090ES receive, so you will see less traffic. Without the 1090ES In option, you won't see those high-altitude heavies at 18-40k+.
I'd do like OldPilot says and set the Dist and Alt Visibility to "Unlimited". Then take it for a flight at a fairly nice altitude. You can also look on the screen for the ADS-B icon to see how far you are from it. There are also some online sources to see exact tower locations. Being in a bowl will dramatically affect your reception of the "Full ADS-B" picture. Possibly limiting you to other ADS-B out aircraft, which will be very limited.
Look forward to hearing back some results. On this is that ADS-B is basically all or nothing. If you are seeing Weather, then you are in range of traffic and should see it if it's out there and if you have the needed reception bands... Hope this helps and please keep us all posted..