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4/20/2015 10:13 AM

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, here goes. Just spent 10 hours over two days at low altitudes (Seaplane), through and around a lot of different airspaces. The iFLY alerting philosophy needs rethinking, IMO.

All Airspace, Terrain, Obstacle, Traffic, WX, whatever) should be individually - and totally - selectable/ deselectable. My primary peeve is that, unlike when I puchased my first iFLY device and subscription, I cannot get totally rid of Terrain alerting. I've got it down to just a "500 foot" call and a red explamation point but both of those are distracting and prevent other, desired alerts from being observed. Seaplanes, helicoptors, anyone working at low altitude would find these more a hinderance than a help. Other users, obviously, have different combinations they would want.

Also, regardless of the alert type, once it is acknowledged or inhibited, there should not be an exclamation point for it (or at least getting rid of it should be an option). IMO, an exclamation point should mean there is something requiring my attention......not something I already have said "yes, I know about that" or "I do not want to know about that".

The iFLY is great, but I hope the alerting gets a serious look at from HQ. At the very least, let me go back to what I had 2 years ago. Thanks.

New Post
4/20/2015 10:35 AM


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