I just aquired an older Skyradar D that is ad hoc / static IP only. It will only stay connected and sending data for a few minutes,
My 720 is using version 8.2.50 (which is awesome, thanks!).
When I go to the wifi config screen after it disconnects, there will be two skyradar0001 networks, One will indicate (pre), and appear connected, but with no signal bars. The other will not be connected, but will have signal bars. I've found that if I go through the following steps, it wil reconnect:
Go to iFly menue>about>connected devices and select "none"
Exit the application, leaving navigation running in the background
Go to wifi setup, disconnect the (pre) skyradar0001, and connect to the other one
Enter navigation, menue>about>connected devices, and reselect Skyradar
It will stay connected for a few minutes, then drop again. The connected devices list will still show it as attached, but no data. I've disconnected all other (pre) connections, leaving only the skyradar. It's as if the connection gets inturupted, but rather than reconnect, it re-scans for available networks, and adds a duplicate SSID. Any ideas?