REF: Artificial Horizon Instrument on middle of screen when using STRATUX
Greetings Friends,
Mike here - relatively NEW to the forum, but have been an iFly user for a long time and love it.
Have maybe an easy one for you?
Today I hooked up my new STRATUX to my Andoid iFly app on my tablet.
Everything SEEMS to be working fine EXCEPT I get a huge "artificial horizon" that appears and changes positions on my screen.
This artificial horizon is not set right (not calibrated to the real horizon) and is unwanted as I fly mostly day/VMC.
How can I eliminate it? I have looked everywhere and tried everything. I even did a search on these forums before asking but could not find anything.
Thanks in adavance for your help - otherwise it appears to be working ok!
Regards, Mike Marra in Carlisle, PA
PS: I would post a photo if I could get it to work - having some new guy issues with the posting protocols