Tim Myers wrote:
Fortunatly for Neal he has a home built (if I read his post correctly) and doesn't have to pay an A&P to install his tranceiver. My questions is however if the Navworx tranceiver is all that is needed? Will a mode S transponder also need to be installed, and then the big question is how much will all this cost. I know it is 7 years away but it is something that must be budgeted for.
I fly a Commander. Certified. Panel pic showing iFly is here: gallery.commander.org/Airplanes/N1286... (the pic is a bit old, as it shows a 700 rather than 720 -- and ADS-B was not yet integrated).
The Navworx tranceiver is not yet certified, but that does not prevent a portable "install" -- much like you do with an iFly. Certified gear is my preferred route (no offence to those present), but tools like the iFly can innovate so much faster that adoption is pretty compelling. Even if the ADS-600B was certified I could only get traffic added to my Aspen MFD (and the GNS-480, but that would be pretty useless). And that traffic would be in the old TCAS symbology -- as in: direction of traffic not shown. Compare that the the iFly: CDTI symbology (arrows and pointers to show direction) for traffic, fairly complete FIS-B weather, and I never need paper charts again.
The biggest issue for me (and possibly other folks with certified aircraft) is a better place for the iFly in the panel. Durned thing is hard to reach way across the plane. And don't get me strted on suction cup mounts.