Hi Walter,
first off, congratulations and THANK YOU for providing such a good product to such a fair price. I was looking into GPS's for quiet some while, but never could convince myself to spend all that money on something I didn't need for my hobby VFR flying in sunny California. So the IFly is my first GPS and I am not looking any further.
I went flying with V5.08 first time today and enjoyed the new Airport Information plate. Big step up from the previous version. Another function that I like is the Past Flights Trail. It is just great to lay it over the Flight plan. However, I have done this only on the IFly unit. Do you know of any program that I could load on my PC to transfer the data (from any past flight) from the IFly onto the PC and then have the same 'view' function on the PC?
Thank you and your team again and keep up the great work!