CDI with Glideslope? - iFly General Discussions - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...CDI with Glideslope?CDI with Glideslope?
New Post
6/27/2014 10:54 AM

Good grief. Threats of lawsuits would discourage anyone from doing anything. Offering an additional feature does not open the door to lawsuits. This is just a matter of meeting customer needs AND having a competitive product. At the end of the day, the competition will offer these features and more. As a consumer, I will purchase the product that offers the best bang for the buck and provide good service. If someone uses a VFR instrument to fly IFR, and some have done that and some will, it is their choice and responsibility and consequence.

I for one have really enjoyed the excellent customer service and increased functionality of my IFly 720 units. Increased functionality is one of the main reasons I jumped in and purchased my IFly. Planning a flight is so easy and letting it drive my autopilot is just a dream. I am looking forward to seeing what additional offerings and enhancements Adventure Pilot offers and seeing how they compete in the marketplace. Highway in the sky and synthic vision is where the market is so CDI is really not a big issue.

New Post
6/27/2014 1:56 PM


New Post
6/28/2014 11:48 AM

You could lock the minimim selectable glideslope to published glideslope data available from the FAA if you wanted to be really cautious about it (if you're allowing pilots to enter a user-selectable glideslope somewhere). Also, only showing it if WAAS has been established (as previously mentioned) would add an additional layer of protection.

New Post
12/26/2014 8:48 PM

I think the proposal of a V-ILS feature in the iFly is a good one.

Has this idea died from lack of interest or, is it seriously being considered or just wished for?

New Post
12/27/2014 9:34 AM
Jim Trygg wrote:

I think the proposal of a V-ILS feature in the iFly is a good one.

Has this idea died from lack of interest or, is it seriously being considered or just wished for?

Hopefully it has died because it is A Bad Idea. The last thing we need is VFR pilots heads-down on final. And only Darwin-award candidate instrument pilots would use a toy computer for this critical task in IMC.

This dangerous idea is the main reason that I posted this:

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...CDI with Glideslope?CDI with Glideslope?