Geoff: In addition to all the goodies, faster processor, and brightness already reported above that is offered by the 720, the WiFi makes it pretty easy whenever you are at an FBO or any WiFi hotspot to check web sites like, Accuweather,,, DUATS, etc. using the built-in Opera mini browser. Also, I was amazed at how good the iFly Streets application is. Yes, you can add Streets to the 700 for $50 or $60 extra, but it already comes with the 720. Streets has my wife's Garmin Nuvi beat by a mile (nautical, of course). In my opinion, instead of comparing the 700 with the 720, compare the 720 with the competition and you will find it has way more features at half the price. Both units are excellent value for the money, and if you can afford the 720, I beleive it is worth the higher price tag. But as said by others above, the 700 is very good and is still the very best portable GPS for the money. ---Ralph