It is important to keep in mind that there is not one single part of *any* EFB that can be taken as an authoritatve data source.
All EFBs are helpful but uncertified tools that gather data from various sources and present those data to users in a convenient way. Errors in those data can be introduced at several points along the process, either by the FAA, by the EFB vendor, by user error, by device malfunctions, or by other means. Any person using an EFB does so without any certainty that the data being presented is 100% accurate.
No amount of wishing, complaing, or hoping will ever change this simple fact of life.
That is not to say that bugs should not be pointed out and fixed. The point is simply that there is no time in the future where you will be able to "declare victory" and say, "Okay, *now* everything's perfect and I can rely solely on my EFB for everything I need."