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New Post
5/28/2020 2:08 PM

So I got the email saying they will stop support for the 720 which has been great (I have used it for 5 plus years and love it).. Now they want me to switch over and my concern is the day they stop support for the 740b.  Should I just still use the ifly but on an ipad instead to avoid the discontinuance of hardware support?  Pros and cons of running it on an ipad instead?  Thx for any info

New Post
5/28/2020 4:56 PM

The primary benefit of the dedicated iFly hardware is that it has a display that's easier to read in direct sunlight than any tablet.

Aside from that, the tablets have almost every advantage:  Generally thinner/lighter, long-lasting internal battery, can be used for many purposes besides flying apps, decent units can be found for relatively low cost (especially in Android flavors).  As of today, some iFly features are only available on phone/tablets, not on the 740 (RealPlan, for instance).

Most iFly users are using the software on a tablet device these days.  I've owned a 700, then traded that in for a 720.  I still have the 720, but I also have two Android tablets, and when I fly those two devices go on my yokes and the 720 stays in my flight bag as a backup.

New Post
5/28/2020 5:12 PM

I started with a 700, went to a 720, then a 740 (not b). In addition to the sunlight readability, it has output to drive my autopilot. I also have a panel mounted iPad. It's great to take home and flight plan, then share it with the 740. 
I also have an Avidyne IFD 540, but I am really partial to my iFly. I've been using it so long I would definitely miss it if it was no longer supported. I don't expect that to happen for a long time though (right guys?!). 

New Post
5/28/2020 7:03 PM

Another feature the 7XX units have that others don't is the ability to use the remote.  I really prefer using the remote to cancel alerts, zoom in and out, re-center the map on my aircraft as well as other things I'm probably forgetting.  I can generally tell by feel, or a quick look what buttons I need to push, if it's bumpy at all, I have to stare at the 740 and steady my hand to accomplish the same thing by using the touch screen.  Takes way more head down time than I like.


New Post
5/29/2020 2:54 PM

740 is logically next in line to be sunset, but it won't be for some time. I'm talking several years here!

It's no secret that lots of folks are moving towards using tablets, though. I can do more things on my iPad mini than on my 740, and that's just natrual technological progression.

Also just to be crystal clear here - we have announced that we are sunsetting SUPPORT of the 720. That means if something breaks we can't fix it come December - but it will still be usable! 

Hope this helps

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