So I just got a 3D printer - iFly General Discussions - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...So I just got a 3D printerSo I just got a 3D printer
New Post
5/27/2020 3:27 PM

Delivery is slated for tomorrow, it's got a fairly large base for printing.

What would y'all be interested in for aviation/iFly 3D printed goodies?
I'm thinking maybe some kind of cool mount or case, maybe a new AP smaller-footprint case for Stratux or new mounts for it. 

What say y'all?

New Post
5/27/2020 7:39 PM

Since getting a Stratux3, I don't use my Stratux any more, but I was contemplating a mount for the Stratux that would wrap around the windscreen lip to hold it relatively steady.

The black it the aircraft, the green would be the Stratux holder.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...So I just got a 3D printerSo I just got a 3D printer