John Miller wrote:
I have noticed that the EFIS is non-responsive until the aircraft is moving at least 10 MPH.
In the run-up area it does not respond to the A/C position when turning to check traffic in the pattern.
Then when I head to the runway it does nothing until just when pulling onto the runway and moving faster.
Also, I have noticed that IFLY has just shut down on my tablet and I have to bring it up again. I am wondering if maybe the extra processing with EFIS may be overwhelming my tablet.
May be my tablet. May be some early bugs.
John M
Very interesting issue...have not had that happen YET, but then I was only in BETA at the time....I will go explore and see what happens in flight, hopefully within the next week.
I have not tried different magnifications or sizes...not sure that would have anything to do with it. I simply do not know on your actual tablet.
My tablet is NOTHING SPECIAL - just an old Android that Verizon gave me for free to compensate me for so many negative issues I had with my family is at least 3-4 years old and nothing very powerful. I did put a much better memory chip in it for the IFLY to hold more maps. I will see if this happens to me in flight and of course, when taxiing less than 10 mph.
One thing I DID DO was remove almost every other program on the tablet to minimize the chance of interference with the IFLY system. The only other program running on this tablet is the STRATUX program and a REAL WEATHER program to show cells (I used before STRATUX). I fly so low I can regularly get cell phone 4G coverage around here. That is it - and that has helped keep the tablet "clean" of many bugs and other issues.
Thanks for letting us know to look for that - will do and try to get back to you soonest.
Again, I am a computer NOVICE but I do fly around 100 hours a year, so I mostly learn by trial and error!
Mike N714AJ