The problem with airways above is with iFly. Jepp and Avare don't have this issue.
There's no reason for me to dump Jepp FD Pro. First, it's provided to me at no cost. Second, it has all the charts I need and has a great vector map for Enroute. A while ago they added a VFR mode in the vector map, too. Apparently, we may be getting vector airport taxi charts soon as well!
I have no doubt that iFly is a great product. It's not perfect, as no software is. I'm trying to evaluate whether I want to spend money on something I don't need. Avare can display ADS-B as well, but iFly does it better. If Jepp FD Pro did it I would just use that.
If I was operating my own personal aircraft and didn't already something provided I would use iFly without a 2nd thought. It seems mostly optimized for VFR and mid-performance aircraft.