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New Post
8/13/2017 3:46 PM

Yep. If you bought a package that included it, there is a recommendation to consider an externall. My internal seems to work ok but experience varies.

New Post
8/13/2017 10:18 PM

There is the GPYes it the GPS reciever. I'm guessing the SDR radios are Nooelec Nano 2. This device (Stratux) will only work with suitable software such as iFlyGPS. IFlyGPS does not yet support synthetic vision.

To test your Stratux plug it in next to a window. Wait at least two minutes. Start your laptop or wireless tablet and connect to the Stratux WiFi. Start a browser session (Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome. In the address bar type and press enter. It should show connected. Try all the menus to see what is there


New Post
8/13/2017 11:01 PM

I suspect they might be the Stratux SDR's.  Anyway, the Stratux will work with almost any EFB.  AHRS works with all except ForeFlight.  I would replace the internal GPS with this one if it doesn't want to connect:

New Post
8/13/2017 11:10 PM

I did all that.. Still nothing as GPS signal!

I see the traffic. Didn't fly with it yet so have no idea if weather is going to work or not.

It's connected and sitting in the middle of backyard with clear sky view since 3 hrs and still nothing other than the traffic.

I use iFlyGPS and/or ForeFlight... iFlyGPS does not have synthetic vision and ForeFlight Syntheticvisionndoes not support Stratux...

I just don't get it if where is the portability of this small device, if you need a third app other than iFlyGPS & FF in order to utilize all the functions of the Stratux and then need an optional GPS attachment. Since it does not have an internal battery it has to be attached to the cigarette lighter outlet which means you need another additional powercord. By the time all this attachments placed inside of a tiny Cessna 152 or Piper Tomahawk cockpit, you'll be tangled in a web of cords and devices and then where's the advantage of Stratux being small, simple ?


New Post
8/14/2017 12:00 AM

iFly GPS will work with all the functions of the Stratux.  iFly does not have synthetic vision yet, but the Stratux AHRS will power the iFly artificial horizon.  So, if you were to blunder into clouds, it would be there as a backup to your airplane's artificial horizon.  I think AP might be working on synthetic vision, but not sure.  They are pretty proactive on these things.  IFly also uses the barometric pressure sensor in the Stratux to give us an indicated altitude instead of just GPS altitude.  This indicated altitude should be pretty close to your airplane's altimeter.

The internal GPS in the Stratux is problematic.  I have built and sold a number of these but was never successful in getting the internal GPS to work very well.  That's why I use the external GPS and place it on the glare shield next to the Stratux.  It's not an issue.  Also, if you don't want to plug into your 12v source, you can velcro a battery to the bottom of your Stratux.  I use this one and it last over 4 hours. 

Advantage?  A Stratus that does everything a Stratux does is $899.  You can build a Stratux for around $150 or buy one already assembled for not a lot more.  The ones I build and sell on Ebay cost me around $170 because I include a battery with mine.

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