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12/14/2016 6:59 PM
Made about 45 min flight NW of the ATL ATC area today to try out a ADSB "In" product. The ping Buddy is about the size of HAlf Dollar. All that is needed is a USB power plug. It connects up via a WIFI signal to any of the ipad or android apps. I connected up to an existing Ifly 720 on the panel and turned off the Xponder and Navworx 600EXP. It connected to the ground stations at about 200AGL and reported Wx very well. It had the expected traffic for my area on a typical Wednesday. . I didn't see any difference in the reporting that normally comes from the EXP. I couldn't tell if it was direct UAT or ES or ground station from where someone else had ping'd in. I did turn the EXP and Xponder on 1200 and immediately got a red target on my tail. Panicked, turned left and descended until I decided it was my ghost and couldn't shake him. Turned off the Xponder and EXP and finished up the flight. Doesn't seem to matter if it hangs from the wire or rest up on the instrument panel glare shield. I noticed some traffic up to 25nm in front of me. I had four targets on the screen within 10 miles at one time. Amazing technology!! Whatever happens with the Navworx AD , I'm waiting the three years and take a look at whats new out there.!!!
New Post
12/20/2016 1:09 PM

I have one that I got just to give it a try. It works great, but I am going to get rid of it. I don't need three ADS-B receivers. The pingBuddy works great for anyone looking for an inexpensive, simple ADS-B receiver prior to installing their 2020 solution. The Stratux works well also.

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