I just built a Stratux, about 10 minutes to assemble and no hiccups. Connected the included mini USB to iFly 720 USB for power and it booted in about 30 seconds. Exit application on iFly, go to settings and WiFi, select Stratux and connect, about 10 seconds. Launch Navigation on iFly and current IMC weather shows up immediately. Since I'm flying at my desk at home there's no traffic (at the intersection of KMKE and KMWC airspace). The local airports KUES, KMWC and KMKE show a wind barb, so I get WX at a glance even without GPS signal in my office, meaning the Vilros ADS-B antenna is more sensitive than the iFly (sorry Adventure Pilot). Using the iFly for USB power means everything is powered from the accessory power on the panel. The Stratux kit was $79 on Amazon with free shipping and delivery in a week and no extra parts or cables needed.
If iFly could provide GPS locator to Stratux ADS-B out this could be a complete low-cost system for the 2020 mandate.