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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...No more WAC charts?No more WAC charts?
New Post
7/10/2015 8:57 AM

FYI. AOPA legal affairs has opened a dialog with the chart group and they agreed to print/produce WACs until the end the calendar year. Negotiations will continue in the meantime which may result in changes but it looks like the focus is on WAC-scale charts for Alaska. The result still looks like no more WACs for the lower 48 states after Jan 1 but I've added my voice to ask the FAA to continue producing the electronic version.

New Post
7/10/2015 1:18 PM

In the interest of reducing cost and paying for things we really need, I can do without WAC charts. I say this as a person who always has 3 current WAC charts in my flight bag. IFly GPS has enough other map options to get me where I need to go.

New Post
7/12/2015 11:12 AM
Walter Boyd wrote:

They are discontinuing them entirely, paper and electronic. We will of course accomodate the iFly app for this change. The biggest impact will be for our Caribbean coverage - but the high-resolution land data we added last year to Vector Mode will help, and we'll be adding more data to that view in coming releases.


Probably a dumb question, but not yet ever having used a WAC thought the were the only meaningful map mode for VFR flying outside the USA .
Does this mean if after September or whenever the canada area of the current WAC expires ,mix flying into Canada with my VFR subscription I'd be flying with no detail at all , no terrain, no obstacles, etc, on iFly?
(Or best case with an expired WAC becoming increasingly obsolete with time?

New Post
7/14/2015 2:00 PM


This will not affect Vector mode in any way. We still have very detailed hydrography, obstructions, airport details, terrain, etc, for North America. And more details are coming to our Vector mode over time.


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
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