Fly Your Freedom


Start Your FREE 30 Day Trial NOW

Find us at Oshkosh 2025!

July 21st - 27th
Hangar C, Booth 3052-3053

iFly EFB is the complete EFB app for Android, iOS and Windows that has all the advanced features pilots want in the most intuitive flight planning and navigation solution on the market.


The Complete EFB

The Intuitive EFB

Every feature we build is designed to minimize pilot input and completely remove complex interaction.  Features are designed to be no more than two simple touches away.

Large Buttons and Menus

Menus and buttons are simple, descriptive and clear using high-contrast colors and large fonts.

High Contrast Colors

iFly EFB is made for your cockpit.  We've developed proprietary methods to provide high contrast images and fonts for high visibility in the most challenging cockpits.

Intelligent Selection

Bouncing around in turbulence is challenging enough without your EFB popping up the wrong information.  iFly EFB limits false selections by intelligently determining the desired action.

No Complex Gestures

iFly EFB is touch-based such that there are no complex gestures.  No dragging or deep menus -- nearly every function is two touches away!

Flying into the weekend with iFLY in my L16.

- Mike Berg

My wife flying our Lake Amphibian with iFly EFB. She loves it because it is so intuitive.

- Robert Stebbins

Sunset flying out of KBDQ tonight with my iPad using iFLY...great combo! 

- Donald Krause

Start your FREE 30 day Trial NOW