Saturday 17 July 2021
-Our good budy Eldon is back from THE HONDURAS on mission work and we had a small gathering fly out to have lunch with him at Lancaster, PA.
-The iFly kept the small formation intact and away from traffic as we had a lot of haze, fog, and wildfire smoke making it tough to see - BIG THANKS iFly.
-Fiorentino's is an EXCELLENT fly-in restaurant you can park right in front of, and now the Alliance FBO is co-located, so this should be a great stop for anyone or any flying club.
-Good times, as usual! Mike N714AJ
-Anyone wishing to joing us on our fly-outs is welcome! "The KEYSTONE FLIGHT -- An Eating Club with a Flying Problem."
-No fees, dues, or obligations -- just join us to fly and go out to eat, fly-ins, museums, or other cool aviation stuff...


NICE to have iFly nnd STRATUX working on days like today!

Sadly, we closed down Three Mile Island last was a great wind indicator for me with all that STEAM coming out, and flying through the steam helped get the bugs off!

AHA - out of the fog, haze, mist and wildfire smoke - there is LANCASTER AIRPORT!

Runway 31 at KLNS - Lancaster, PA -- there are several nice places to eat right around here - walking distance.

Meeting my buddy from THE HONDURAS who used to fly with us a lot.

Two of our planes fuel-up. It was 105 Heat Index so we paid the extra quarter a gallon to have THEM do it.

This is the restaurante, terminal, and FBO all in one now - NICE.

The iFly geo-referenced airports diagrams are SO helpful! Thanks Walter!

Very nice to have the FISH FINDER, aka, ADBS working at busy airports!

HOME DROME - another good mission with the KEYSTONE FLIGHT!