Trying to find a specific location using Sectionals, etc is challenging.
What I mean is, if I am looking for someone's house or business to take photos, it would be nice to have a separate page with an ADF style needle and DME readout to the location that I am seeking. The needle will always point to the location when turning about the location point. This can be very handy when looking for those obscure grass fields as well!
Also, for us old Instrument Pilots we can still pretend the obsolete NDB is still on the field and fly the old NDB Plates -LOL-.
Rapid GPS updates will be required to have a smooth needle movement and say one or two decimal point DME readout accuracy.
Of course, the Lat and Long inputs should also be on is page, as well as an input for the name of the location.
A save option would allow loading of the location in the future.
A Previously Saved locations list should be shown for selection if a locationhas been save before.